Believe it or not, there is a positive side to all this Saturn in Scorpio! Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but Saturn loves us just as much as Jupiter, and he really does want the best for us. He teaches us things like, patience, determination, hard work, practicality, perseverance, achievement and strength. Nose to the grind stone! Saturn helps us to develop maturity leading to our greatest potential and growth. Sounds all good, right?! YES! With Saturn traveling Scorpio, the more you become a master in the art of healing your "shadow stuff" (Scorpio) the more Saturn will back off and the more you will be rewarded for your efforts. That's how Saturn works. Love Saturn and he will Love you back! Hard work is your get out of jail free card.
With Saturn on the scene, we become initiated into "Task-Mastery" of a certain subject or in a certain area of life expressed by the sign this planet is transiting at the time. With Saturn taking up in Scorpio, we learn to become skilled surgeons and psychiatrists, uncovering and excising things that are cancerous to our organism...that threaten our survival and our EMPOWERMENT'. These "things" can run the gamut and include people, jobs, thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, patterns, choices... whatever robs you of your "Life Force", Energy, and Power. These things may have "flown" undetected under your conscious radar in the past, but once this transit hits, you can be SURE that its time to face reality and "Run the Gauntlet". This transit wakes you up from your unconscious slumber REAL quick, because now it feels as if its life or death, and in a way it is! But back to the positive...
When you stay with the TASK at hand and devote time and energy into cutting loose the things that weigh you down and that create disasters and dramas, you take one step closer to your very own freedom and liberation. Think about that! Visualize how that feels know that you have a choice to "live free or die" as the saying goes. This saying implies choice and personal responsibility (Saturn's forte).You have the opportunity to finally walk out from behind those self imposed prison bars! That visual alone can create an amazing sense of power, and this transit is all about reclaiming our power. I think the rewards of doing this "Great Work" is well worth the blood, sweat and tears! Google The Hero's Journey to get a better idea of the work you're doing, or should be doing.
Now for more good news. Saturn has a few helpers for his task at hand, and that means you do too!
Neptune, the planet of Surrender, Transcendence, Spiritual Wisdom and Guidance, and most importantly Healing is in a trine aspect to Task Master Saturn. This trine imparts blessings and protection, so we become gifted with grace as we do our dirty work. While we journey to the underworld to deal with our demons, the Universe flips a switch and the light becomes our guide. We retain our hope, trust and faith (Neptune) as we "die" to the old things in our lives and say our sad (or happy) goodbyes. This grace may come thru a person, God, a book, a gesture, or from within, but our "Angels" will be right there with us.
At times during this transit, Chiron will also be in Pisces trining Saturn. Chiron has the signature of the "wounded healer" and is associated with alternative healing modalities to "deal" with the wound. Chiron brings several healing gifts to the Saturn in Scorpio issues, such as acupuncture, chiropractic(Chiro-n), flower essences, homeopathy, energy healing, cranio-sacral therapy, herbalism, and other alternative healing modalities. These are the healing balms for our wounded souls... take your pick.
More good news.... in July, Jupiter will enter Cancer (the sign of its exaltation), and a Grand Trine will start to form with Saturn, Neptune and later with Chiron. Perfect cosmic set-up! This Grand Trine will form in the Water element, which focuses on emotional adeptness. This special Trine in Astrology is a configuration that imparts a gift or blessing so to speak, and we all may be gifted with emotional healing, as the planets swim in Water. This will most definitely come in handy during the death/rebirth occurring with Saturn in Scorpio. Jupiter brings joy, positivity and hope, and harmonizes very well with Neptune in Pisces. It brings success, inspiration and luck to all of the hard work we are putting into our healing process. The sign Cancer is our "roots", our past, inherited tendencies (for Good or Ill), our early childhood, and our unconscious instinctive reactions to things. With Jupiter moving in this sign and making supportive contacts to Saturn and Neptune, we will be better able to understand and heal our past. The element of Water is very cleansing and has traditionally symbolized baptism and re-birth or being born again. July 9th thru the 27th the 3 planets line up and complete the Grand Trine Formation, and initiates what I believe to be our collective and individual baptism. This is the magical window of opportunity for the healing and transformation of humanity.
Coincidentally (or not so coincidentally!!), Mary Magdalene's Feast Day is celebrated on July 22nd, right in the midst of the Grand Trine Formation. Thinking about Mary Magdalene, this biblical passage comes to mind: "Mary, who is called Magdalen" is said to have had seven devils cast out of her and to be travelling with Jesus and the Apostles (Luke 8:1-2). I do NOT take the bible literally and to me, this verse simply describes Mary's personal Saturn in Scorpio Journey of Transformation. Her unconscious self undoing behaviors and destructive life choices (represented by the 7 devils) were left behind to be replaced by new Life. Luckily for her, she had the healing presence and mentorship of Jesus and his adepts as her guiding light, just as we will be guided on our journey. This special day, occurring alongside the Grand Water Trine is such a major Cosmic Blessing....simply amazing! I am astounded by the symbolic meaning of these parallel occurrences.
So don't despair! Saturn in Scorpio really does have an upside!
Many blessings on your Journey...
Welcome to All Things Saturn in Scorpio
This Blog was created specifically for the Saturn in Scorpio transit which began October 5, 2012 to December 23, 2014; and then finishes up its transit from June 14, 2015 to September 17, 2015. This transit has been a challenge on both a collective and personal level, as the energies of the planet Saturn and the sign Scorpio are notoriously difficult and demanding. "Knowledge is Power", and this site seeks to educate and provide practical ideas and tools on how to best work within and navigate the current planetary paradigm of Saturn in Scorpio. More than anything, this transit is characterized by the evolutionary impulse of the collective and individual towards transformation, ideally leading to a "leap" in consciousness... the upwards progression of humanity or its "Ascent" to a higher, more enlightened potential.
Friday, April 19, 2013
The Positive Side of Saturn in Scorpio...Yes, There is One!
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