The starry heavens will be presenting to us a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Scorpio on April 25th. Is it just me, or does it seem like 1 thing after another...the skies are always filled with drama. We just came off of a very difficult Mercury retrograde period in Pisces (Mercury isn't good in Pisces as it is), and a very tense square involving Uranus, Sun, Mars, Venus in Aries, squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Before we have a chance to catch our breath, in comes the Eclipse.... and its in Scorpio....conjunct Saturn.... opposing Mars, Venus and of course the Sun in Taurus. In and of itself the Full Moon can be a handful, but its a LUNAR ECLIPSE and eclipses in their own right are intense "course changers", so to speak. A HUGE Spotlight will be thrown onto Scorpio, AND on all of our dysfunctional behaviors, choices and patterns (usually unconscious) that have messed up our lives, AND that no longer serve a purpose for us. By now, you should know what they are. The **it has already hit the fan for everyone with Saturn and the Node transiting Scorpio for a while now... we all have had our tango with some wound, hurt, power struggle, blind spot, behavior, pattern, and deep-dark emotion/issue. So, we are already aware on some level of the issue(s). This Eclipse simply rubs our face in it and makes it CRITICAL. It takes us deeper into the heart of it and with Saturn conjuncting the Moon, a very serious and responsible tone characterizes this Eclipse. This is the time to take ultimate responsibility (Saturn) for our "STUFF". This is "Dragon Slaying" time. Its time to cut loose the things that drag you down. Scorpio is the realm of psychic vampires that suck all of your precious energy and resources. These are varied and can include toxic friendships, toxic relatives, toxic partnerships, toxic ideas, toxic beliefs, toxic emotions, toxic behaviors, toxic thoughts, toxic patterns, and the list goes on. Hopefully you've got the idea here. Get out the scalpel and start "cutting". To give you an example of this....My father was having car trouble recently.... it was having trouble starting up periodically. He found out it was a bad battery, but something was draining the battery. When the battery is drained, the car cant function properly. What is draining your "batteries".... emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually? Your task for the next 6 months (the length of time an eclipse lasts) is to figure this out. Master this task and Saturn will reward you... if not now, later.
This may sound like all doom and gloom, however, embedded in this Lunar Eclipse Chart there is an amazing opportunity for DEEP SPIRITUAL REBIRTH, facilitated by a very supportive Trine to the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio from Neptune/Chiron in Pisces. Chiron represents the "Wounded Healer" and in Pisces, represents the Spiritual Healing of Emotional Wounds. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and exerts a very strong, supportive and healing influence at this eclipse. The Trine is in the Water element, and this lends healing energy to the recognition and release of deep emotional issues, fears, insecurities, and old patterns that hold you down. Regardless of whether you do this yourself or on a therapists couch, some action has to be taken.... and a transformation will occur. This is a pretty complex Eclipse, with several layers and aspects embedded into it that I would like to touch on...
Opposition to the Moon
At a lunar Eclipse the Sun is always opposite the Moon, and for this one the Sun is in Taurus. To add to the complexity, Venus and Mars will also accompany the Sun in its opposition to the Moon/Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio. As a result, we will feel pulled in 2 different directions and neither likes to budge....they are the Fixed signs of the Zodiac. Taurus loves to build up walls of security with material things....that's how it feels safe and comfortable, but Scorpio demands that we let go of what no longer work in our lives, especially the phony things that have given us a false sense of security... the things that dis-empower us, but that we've held onto for far too long. See the conundrum this creates? Close your eyes and envision holding the opposites in each hand...feel the tension? This is the energy of this eclipse. Lots of planets "rooted" in Taurus energy opposing those very strong planets (Moon/Saturn) swimming in Scorpio energy...which is very magnetic. Both extremely strong and powerful signs in their own right. With Scorpio you destroy and with Taurus you build, and with Saturn on guard in Scorpio, it will ensure that what you build is something of lasting quality. First we clean up the mess in our psyches that have produced toxic behaviors and patterns that have taken us to less than desirable places (Moon/Saturn/Scorpio). That produces a clean slate for which to build (Taurus) something of lasting quality that enriches our lives. Taurus will have us holding on for dear life to any existing structures to maintain that sense of security, but Saturn conjunct the Eclipse in Scorpio wont allow it under any circumstance. We're getting it right this time, and there is no more room for dysfunctional structures anymore, PERIOD! Saturn/Scorpio combo is no joke, so take it easy on yourself and others. This is an intense period of psychological re-structuring, with ALOT of intense emotional debris flying around out there.
The Taurus/Scorpio axis encompasses themes of power, money and resources (yours and others, and shared), intimacy/bonding, sex, survival, self-worth/self-sufficiency, values, death/birth, psychological wounding, abandonment, intensity and drama. In astrology, Scorpio is likened to the mythical Phoenix, the creature that rises from the Ashes of its destruction. Sit with these themes at this time, and see how they are present in your life. There will be a few other Eclipses that fall in either Scorpio or Taurus this year, so try and get comfortable with these concepts in your life... perhaps even read books or articles on Depth/Transpersonal Psychology, alchemy, and transformation/rebirth.
Trine to Taurus Planets
At this Full Moon we have yet another supportive trine aspect....this one to the triple conjunction in Taurus of the Sun, Venus and Mars, by Pluto in Capricorn. This produces some very strong and grounded Earth energy. This is where the building of new structures and patterns takes place. Capricorn is no slouch, and neither is Pluto (Scorpio/Cap themes strong at this Moon), and the SERIOUSNESS of both of these planets will permeate our lives for the next 6 months. The decisions we make and all the deep psychological work we will be doing will be full of light heartedness here. As mentioned before, we are being asked to get it right this time and build structures in our lives that reflect this new re-birth of our souls, rather than things based on egoic fears and insecurities. With the Sun conjunct Venus and Mars in Taurus, trine Pluto in Cap we will be Examining and Transforming our Values (Venus, what is important to us) and the things we put our Creative Energy (Mars/Sun) into. Are the things we invest our precious energy, heart, passion and time into really what we want? Are they good for our soul? Are they worth our time and energy? Do they have value? Spring cleaning time...
Uranus Square Pluto
Of course the Uranus Pluto square keeps on churning alongside this Eclipse. This square brings out a very strong impulse to "Individuate" and to break away from the status quo, so as to bring forth the "Authenticity" of each soul on this planet, and to birth new structures, both individually and collectively. Ideally, these new structures will respect human life and support and uplift our human potential. This aspect depicts the individual and collective soul differentiating and breaking away from dysfunctional conservative structures that rob it of integrity, freedom, liberty and basic Happiness, the foundational principles of not just the United States, but also the basic rights of every human being on this earth. So, it looks as if the energy of this square and what it represents fits nicely with the impulse that will be awakened at the Eclipse... "out with the old, in with the new". All of these changes we are undergoing are taking us further up the ladder of consciousness evolution, necessary for the growth and development of the human species. The birth pains we are experiencing are just a part of the process.
Jupiter Sextile Uranus
Jupiter in the sign of Gemini will also sextile Uranus in Aries. This aspect will provide us with new and fresh ideas and ideals, and soul inspiration encouraging individuality and the impulse towards new beginnings. Jupiter
is hope, positivity, and luck, with plenty of opportunities for new adventures and new horizons. This gives all of the gut wrenching soul work that we are wrapped up in a boost.... its like a much needed light in the Dark and dense Scorpio/Capricorn realm that we are all living in right now.
Summary of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
This Eclipse signifies a point on the continuum of the Awakening and Evolution of Human Consciousness. Although we are always evolving, this particular time in human consciousness seems particularly pivotal and intense. This is likely due to the tense Uranus/Pluto square, paired with Saturn and the North Node transit in Scorpio. "Dark night of the soul" stuff here. We are in the chrysalis phase, the undifferentiated substance incubating within the cocoon before the beautiful butterfly form is awakened. WE are breaking down, so that we can transform into something new, different, and better. We, as a human family are all in this together....remember that. Don't forget the supportive aspects to this eclipse. They are like the cocoon supporting and protecting us as we do our deep inner soul work, preparing us for our New Life.
I truly wish each and every soul peace, healing and love on this difficult and beautiful journey. Having said that, I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes:
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became the butterfly"
Welcome to All Things Saturn in Scorpio
This Blog was created specifically for the Saturn in Scorpio transit which began October 5, 2012 to December 23, 2014; and then finishes up its transit from June 14, 2015 to September 17, 2015. This transit has been a challenge on both a collective and personal level, as the energies of the planet Saturn and the sign Scorpio are notoriously difficult and demanding. "Knowledge is Power", and this site seeks to educate and provide practical ideas and tools on how to best work within and navigate the current planetary paradigm of Saturn in Scorpio. More than anything, this transit is characterized by the evolutionary impulse of the collective and individual towards transformation, ideally leading to a "leap" in consciousness... the upwards progression of humanity or its "Ascent" to a higher, more enlightened potential.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The April 2013 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: A Pit Stop in the Evolution of Human Consciousness
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