Saturn has officially entered Scorpio during the last part of 2012 (for a 2.5 year stay), the sign ruling death, birth, transformation, intimacy, inheritances, debt, sex, emotional scars and wounds dealing with abandonment and rejection, power and money, and all the ugly and /or taboo things in life that we would rather not face that lie deep within the unconscious. Scorpio seeths with intensity and takes us into territory where we feel our most exposed and vulnerable. Here are some examples of Scorpio themes: The husband who is your everything has an affair, your mother is dying of cancer, you loose all of your financial security and have to file for bankruptcy, being physically abused by your mate, your wife of 20 years decides to leave, youre $70,000 in debt, loose everything, and have to move back in with your parents, and the list goes on. Now, think of all of the raw emotional turmoil that accompanies these situations, the pain, the suffering, the dismantling of the ego structures that you have built up for security, the destruction of your world and life as you have known it to be. The Scorpio stinger stabs and jabs at your most insecure and fearful places, so that you gain a deeper insight of the darker side of life and of your nature. This saying comes to mind: "what doesnt kill you makes you stronger". That is Scorpio's motto! Ask any Scorpio you know, and im sure they will concur.
So, with Scorpio being transited by the Universal Task Master(Saturn), many of us will be called to battle, just as Frodo was pulled from his comfortable and pleasant life in the Shire to embark on a journey of his own personal transformation. Now, this isnt all for nothing...quite the opposite! This is all about empowerment and transcendence (Scorpio's trademarks). Think of the mythic Phoenix rising from the ashes of its destruction...think ressurection. The darkest tests and trials of life can remake us into stronger, healthier, and wiser people. When we remain immature and naive and stay in our comfort zones, we dont grow....we stagnate. When we are faced with and fight our darkest demons, we gain guts, and sometimes we earn our Angel Wings. In fact, I believe Scorpio to be the most powerful Spiritual sign of the Zodiac. These people spend so much time hurting, that they are implored to search for redemption of the pain. Many times they take up a dedicated spiritual practice(at the least, they seek to learn about their inner psychological make-up and deepest wounds) in order to recover the purity of their Spirit and their Power as Spiritual beings.
Jesus was once quoted as saying; "Be in the World, not of it". Jesus was associated with the Age of Pisces, in fact he was the center-piece of the Age of Pisces. I mention him and his wise words because there is a significant astrological transit of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces that blends nicely (creates a trine) with this Morbid Saturn in Scorpio transit. To me, this is a blessing, as it facilitates and encourages spiritual healing (Chiron/Neptune) while walking into the Dark night of the Soul, and doing our Saturn in Scorpio house cleaning. In astrology, Chiron represents the wounded healer, and he explored many different alternative healing modalities to heal his woundedness. Neptune represents the Spirit and Spirituality and the idea of transcendence of worldly ills, thru a merging with GOD (Thus, be in the world and not of it). The harmonious blending of Chiron/Neptune and Saturn creates the perfect opportunity to heal our wounds and reclaim our Spiritual integrity, something that I think has been long forgotten and neglected by our human tribe. Watch the movie, The Matrix. This also has the theme of transcending the limitations of the physical world that are imposed on us by ourselves. We have allowed the societal programming of destruction, hate , greed, fear, consumption, war, illness, etc. to become our reality, by abandoning the fact that we have the seed of GOD's genetics within us. We act out our lives based on these destructive thoughts and viewpoints, and wonder why we suffer personally and globally. Saturn in Scorpio wants us to ponder this madness.
I want to mention something about soul retrieval. It is a process of healing related to Shamanism. This is a process whereby lost parts of the self (which can happen thru childhood wounds) are brought back into the person and integrated into the soul, usually facilitated by a Shamanic practitioner. Saturn in Scorpio Trine Chiron and Neptune in Pisces reminds me of this process of Soul retrieval and makes me think that many of us should familiarize ourselves with this process and perhaps actually do it during this transit. Regardless of how its done, healing wounds now is vital and these 2 planets create the perfect synergy for that to happen. Reclaim the strength of your Spirit! May I suggest taking up a meditation practice whereby we carve our niches of time thru the day to simply quiet our minds and cultivate peace and quiet amongst the emotional mayhem and mental anxiety that may result from all of the Scorpionic purging of these old wounds, and old outworn ways of being. Jon Kabbat Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, and Thich Nhat Hanh have many books and audios out to help facilitate this process. They are amazing teachers and have many wonderful resources for healing. It will be well worth it to cultivate a practice to be at peace with the chaos.
Think about the themes of Intimacy, Bonding, Merging with others, Money, Power and Control (your own and others), Debt, Abandonment, Rejection, Death, Sex, Birth and Death, Dependency, Empowerment. Are these area in your life in good standing? Is there an imbalance? Are they in decay? Do you need to transform these areas and attitudes towards these issues and build up healthier structures? Situations will be brought forth for many of us, that will force a review of these issues. That's why I wanted to do a post on this subject, to prepare others for the road ahead.
Saturn transiting the first house wants you to purge and transform your self, through the 2nd, your self worth and finances, through the 3rd, your mind and any faulty mental structures you have built, 4th, your home,family, and your deepest ingrained emotional habit patterns, 5th, your creativity and purpose in life, 6th, your work, health and well being, 7th, your partnerships and relating skills, 8th, your power, debt, finances, intimacy and deep emotional scars, 9th, your life philosophy and broad based ideas about life, 10th, your career and your being in the outer world, 11th, your group associations, friends and hopes, wishes and dreams, 12th, your inner life, your self undoing behaviors, and ways that you deceive yourself (here lies our deep unconscious patterns of behavior and thinking, that when not realized have the potential for self destruction).
On another positive note, we should get a real Cosmic blessing in August of 2013, when Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance, and positivity moves into Cancer and makes a Grand Trine Formation with Chiron/Neptune in Pisces and with Saturn in Scorpio. The possibility for a real deep and true emotional healing is very powerful and profound at this time. This Grand Trine Takes place in the Water signs, which represent the feeling and emotional realm of life. Be prepared for this time by opening your heart and your life to letting go of old wounds and forgiving the past. Commit to heal your heart...and maybe even to a real spiritual practice. This blessing will continue its influence until 2014.
Like the Master teacher who left his mark on our world, its time to take up your cross and ascend into the being you were meant to be.
In Peace and Healing...
Welcome to All Things Saturn in Scorpio
This Blog was created specifically for the Saturn in Scorpio transit which began October 5, 2012 to December 23, 2014; and then finishes up its transit from June 14, 2015 to September 17, 2015. This transit has been a challenge on both a collective and personal level, as the energies of the planet Saturn and the sign Scorpio are notoriously difficult and demanding. "Knowledge is Power", and this site seeks to educate and provide practical ideas and tools on how to best work within and navigate the current planetary paradigm of Saturn in Scorpio. More than anything, this transit is characterized by the evolutionary impulse of the collective and individual towards transformation, ideally leading to a "leap" in consciousness... the upwards progression of humanity or its "Ascent" to a higher, more enlightened potential.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
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